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Internet Explorer 10 or higher or Google Chrome is required to access the Sweet Rewards site.

Welcome to Sweet Rewards

Making a daily commitment to healthy choices is one of the most important actions you can take to reduce your risk of cancer, diabetes, heart disease and other serious health problems that could affect you and your family. To encourage positive choices and reward your commitment to a healthy lifestyle, we are excited you have chosen Sweet Rewards to support your path to reaching your wellness goals.

Through this site, you can request and register Polar activity bands, keep track of the activities you are logging by working out, and view your wellness incentive rewards.

To activate your Sweet Rewards account employees will use your 6-digit employee ID# and employee’s spouse will use the employee’s 6-digit employee ID# with an “S” added the end. This will be referred to as your McKee Foods Wellness ID.

© 2025 McKee Foods Corporation. All Rights Reserved.